
Lowongan Kerja Bank Panin 2009

PT. Panin Bank, Tbk, one of the top bank 8th in Indonesia open career opportunities for those who have high integrity, and competent to join in our team with the position as follows:

Customer Service & Teller (Code: CS / Teller)


1. Female, age max 24 years old
2. Education min. S1 with IPK min 2.75
3. High body min. 160 cm, the many interesting, having a healthy, not berkawat teeth.
4. Have computer skills min. Ms. Office
5. Have a sense of business, the ability to communicate, negotiate and with good presentation.
6. Prepared in place in all branches of Bank Panin in the region: SURABAYA, GRESIK, Sidoarjo, Mojokerto, Mojosari, LAMONGAN, JOMBANG & BOJONEGORO

Main tasks:

1. Customer Service:

- Processing the opening, closing bank accounts and changes in customer account data,
- Helping the market / sell banking products and services according to customers’ needs,
- Providing services (service counter), including information services balance.

2. Teller

- Providing services that effectively friendly, easy and accurate to our customers,
- Implement the transaction Teller, accept deposits to the account / customer deposits

HR STAFF (code: HR)


1. Male, graduated from the faculty S1 Informatics Engineering / Computer Science with IPK min. 2.75
2. Age max. 27 years old
3. Have work experience min. 1 year on the field with the same education background
4. Understanding of programming and making the system data base, Ms. control. Office
5. Have high integrity, ulet, & able to work with the target
6. Many interesting, communicative and capable of working in a team

Main tasks:

- Create & memaintain data base related to personnel data
- Remove, manage, distribute and Administer the output data for the needs of users (part / section), which requires timely and

Send your application with the code to include the position in the upper left corner of the envelope applications, include a letter of application, CV, copy of diploma, copy of transcripts value, copy of ID and latest color photo 4×6 to:

PART Manager
PT. Bank Panin Tbk
JL. KOMBES Pol. M. Duryat NO. 25 SURABAYA 60262
APPLICATIONS RECEIVED at the latest DATE 16 January 2009